The Coaching ‘Way of Being’
According to Campbell and van Nieuwerburgh (2018), an effective coaching relationship requires three key elements:
1) a coaching process;
2) coaching skills; and
3) a coaching ‘way of being’.
The focus for this post is this third element: the coaching ‘way of being.’ This idea of a 'way of being’ is omnipresent in the coaching in education literature. As stated by Bob & Megan Tschannen-Moran (2018), coaching is about "calling forth motivation and movement in people through conversation and a way of being so that they achieve desired outcomes and enhance their quality of life"(p.22- italics added). In essence, effective coaching relationships hinge on what coaches do and who coaches are. However, in order for the coaching models and tools to be effective, a positive relational climate must be established in a coaching relationship.