Collaborative Professionalism
Improved professional learning is the goal of most mentoring and coaching initiatives. With the quality and the abilities of teachers commonly cited as the most important factor in student achievement and educational improvement (Cochran-Smith, 2006; Danielson, 2007; Darling-Hammond, 2006; Hattie, 2012; Kutsyuruba & Walker, 2017; Rivkin, Hanushek, & Kain, 2005; Sanders & Rivers, 1996; Strong, 2011), educational researchers have begun to turn their attention to better understanding the key characteristics of effective professional learning. A recent Learning Forward study by Campbell et al, (2016) called the State of Educators’ Professional Learning in Canada highlights 3 key components: quality content, learning design and implementation, and support and sustainability. As noted in the summary chart below, collaborative learning experiences “are highly valued and prevalent within and across schools and wider professional networks.”
Collaborative Professionalism: When Teaching Together Means Learning for All
by Andy Hargreaves - Boston College, USA and Michael T. O'Connor - Providence College, USA
Andy Hargreaves on collaborative professionalism, Part 1
Andy Hargreaves on collaborative professionalism, Part 2